Sweating Like a Whore in Church

This weekend, our original plans became altered. We originally planned on going to New Orleans to get Asia’s things from her ex boyfriend’s house, but the plan did not follow through unfortunately! Friday night, we decided to wake up early the next morning and make our day productive as possible (as things are always when we are together) by waking up at the crack of ass. The next morning came and we woke up at 7am as planned, but we still had our asses glued to the bed until an hour later and until one of us finally decided that we needed to get out of bed. Odalys has been practicing her makeup skills so she did both makeup looks for the day! One makeup look – very natural and one very bright and bold. The next part of our day was going through some wack traffic down by Georgia Tech, because fall semester of college has crept back up! To avoid traffic, that then lead us to a whole different destination than planned. We visited… the goat farm! How cute? It was a first time experience for Asia and Odalys had  already. We site saw and took a gazillion photos! Of course. Why not? We were hot…literally though. It was super hot in Atlanta on Saturday and very saddening, because Ryder (Odaly’s baby) could not be out long with us so he had to return home. After our trip to the goat farm and dropping Ryder at home, we went to Kroger to make groceries for dinner and dessert! We decided to make turkey spaghetti with garlic bread and milkshakes. As soon as we got in the house, we started making the food because the heat made us so drained and we already hadn’t ate so it was on and poppin from the moment we got in the door. We started with the spaghetti and put a lot of love into that by cutting up orange peppers and garlic cloves to put into our turkey / spaghetti sauce pot. The kitchen smelled amazing. We ate and eventually knocked out from not only the food itis but also from the treacherous heat that day. We’d planned on only napping for 22 minutes (apparently according to studies – sleeping for 22 minutes or less is a POWER nap) but that turned into two hours of #knockedtfout! After we arose from the dead, we decided to do another makeup look but this time only on Asia. This look was very pink and playful and beautiful. Pictures! Pictures! Pictures! We love the camera, boo. After a mini photo shoot we went through with the cookies and creme milkshakes! Yummyyyy. Even though, Odalys never finished hers (Asia devoured every bit) they were still bomb! Maybe we shouldn’t be bloggers, maybe we should own a restaurant but anyways… to end the day, we did what we came to TRULY do! Podcasts! We recorded not one, but TWO podcasts Saturday night. How great is that? We closed our chapter on talking about relationships, and we are now moving on to a new and exciting topic that we cannot wait to reveal. Much love – Dynamic Duo


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